A concert...

I remember when I didn't get a ticket to Lollapalooza in 2018. One of my favorite singers was coming, Lana del Rey, I went crazy, The line up was amazing. 

It was on a Saturday morning, I didn't give up. I arrived at 7 am to the O'higgins park but from behind and I jumped the gate with 2 friends, we ran to the chemical toilets, and we spent 4 hours and half inside there.

We were totally nervous and impatient, hoping that nobody caught us. The park opened at 12 pm. and we went out at 12.30, and WOW we got it, it was such a dream. 

We could hardly buy food or water, you could only buy if we had a bracelet, and we were lucky that some of our friends were there, so they bought food and water for us.

In the night my dream came true, I saw/listened Lana del Rey, for $0 clp jaja.

                                            (this is not a picture took for me, mine are not good)


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